Furniture, Cabinets, Flooring, and More in Shepherdstown, WV

Selections for All Your Furnishing Needs at Clark’s Home Furnishings

Shop Clark’s Home Furnishings to find furniture, cabinets, flooring, and more in Shepherdstown, WV, to match your home’s style. Do you prefer the traditional look with ornate details, modern with simple silhouettes, or rustic accents with one-of-a-kind wood textures? We carry the style you like at prices you will love.

If you are not sure which style best fits your home, work with our knowledgeable team. Explore the different styles with them that we offer while getting in touch with your own personal tastes. Call us at (304) 258-2226 or stop by our showroom to see what we have to offer.

Clark’s Home Furnishings is Your One-Stop Local Shop

Clark’s Home Furnishings is your one-stop local shop to make your Shepherdstown-area house a home. Our team provides service you just don’t get from the big guys. We feature a great selection of sofas, sectionals, recliners, chairs, leather furniture, custom upholstery, beds, and mattresses. See us for dressers, nightstands, dining sets, cabinets, carpets, tile, vinyl, washer, dryers, stoves, refrigerators and much more:

Our Services Include:

Contact Clark’s Home Furnishings

Clark’s is a member of the Appliance Dealers Cooperative, which allows us to offer our products at the same price as the larger stores while maintaining small-town service. Stop by our store or contact us to let us help you with your home design and decorating.

Match the style that fits your home; visit Clark’s Home Furnishings for  furniture, cabinets, flooring, and more in Shepherdstown, WV.